Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Poem: August 5th, 2005

Living on borrowed time:
August 5th, 2005 -
Intersection of
104th Avenue
and Colorado Highway 85.
Wide turn;
Intermittent blackouts.
Hemorrhagic Stroke!
Baby blue
Chevy pick up truck
Divinely appointed,
solitary encounter.
Cell phone -
Call for help.
Swift Paramedic
and Ambulance arrival.
by the omnipresent 
of the Grace of God
and the Miracles 
of faith
brought forth,
by a willing heart
and mind.

Poem - Haiku: March 18th, 1996

March 18th, 1996
Abrupt departure
Compromised farewell negotiation

Poem - Haiku: Self exiled

Middle aged recluse
Guarded and private
Self exiled

Poem - Haiku: Whispering Features

Whispering features
Once relevant and beloved
Familiar stranger