Monday, January 30, 2012

Pen Sketch: Relief Society Sister - October 2010

Poem: Wimper Willow

Wimper Willow
hugs her pillow;
Settling in for a cry,
and a world weary sigh.

No one can console,
as she loses control;
Tears flood her room,
then a bellowing gloom.

Misty eyes,
sick of lies,
so often told,
desiring to scold.

Behind closed doors,
her heart soars;
In an world of her own -
The peace of being alone.

But soon she discovers,
hiding under the covers,
has a fleeting allure,
leaving her feeling unsure.

Trapped in solitude,
an isolated attitude;
Assumed reclusive glory -
A silent purgatory.

Clouds part -
A new start.
Friends swoon;
Forgiveness rune.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Poem: Isn't it easier

Isn't it easier,
to not chase dreams,
so far away?
Safely sterile,
on the irrelevant path,
of ghostly existence.
What never transpired,
cannot be restored.
There are no second chances -
Once the day is done,
enter the cancer of regret;
Smoldering embers -
Dying and barren.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Poem: Mentally impotent fool!

Mentally impotent fool!
Give place;
Struggle to overcome -
Your own worst impulses
and biased concepts.
Close-minded attitudes;
Deaf and blind.
I am an equal!
My voice,
resplendent -
With validity and reason.
Stale thoughts;
Taciturn hearts.
void understanding and respect,
is damning and criminal.

(Note: Although I am a man, this is meant to be written from and have a woman's voice.)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Poem: Lips touch - Archive

Lips touch;
Committed -
To loving each other,
until the trail ends.
Hearts bursting with love,
for what is at this moment,
and the innumerable steps
that will be taken -

Drawing: School Teacher - August 2010

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Poem: What do you see?

What do you see?
Eyes that pierce the soul -
That light up the midnight sky?
A melting smile -
Of a cynical and bitter heart,
frozen by the pain and heartache,
of a cruel and unrelenting world?
A peaceful state -
Of virtue and purity?
Soft and alluring features -
Beauty sculpted by divinity?
A fairy tale Princess -
From a land far away.
The Heir to a kingdom -
Leaving all in your path breathless.
Holding a Princely heart captive -
A willing prisoner.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Poem: The child inside

The child inside -
Shattered and screaming;
Engulfed by the darkness of despair.
A Trusting Heart bruised,
by it’s abuser and betrayer,
lies hidden.
Alone and lonely;
Seeking, searching, hoping -
Yet afraid,
to be made vulnerable -
To bleed, to cry.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Poem: Homemade family quilt

Homemade family quilt,
crafted in care.
A story is found,
in each stitched square.
From a labored birth,
to an heirloom remnant.
Blocks of time whisper and echo,
suspending each fleeting moment.
Wrapped in warmth -
A cocoon of security.
Mirroring family and friends -
Patterns of stability.
Life's pivotal choices conceived,
nestled in kaleidoscopic matrimony.
Knotted in patchwork recollections -
Generations linked in ceremony.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pen Sketch: The Faces of Women - 2010

Poem: Lullaby, my darling - Archive

Lullaby, my darling;
In my arms,
float away -
Into slumber.
Where you and I,
forever -
Are one.
No need to part,
or say goodbye.
But alas,
awake and realize,
The dream -
before your eyes.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Poem: Always and Forever - Archive

Always and forever,
I will be by your side.
Through the laughter and the heartache -
Easing the pain;
Sharing in the laughter and joy.
A truer love I’ve never felt,
Or met someone so deserving -
Of all that I have to give:
My heart -
If you are willing.

Poem: Father above

Father above:
May the light inside -
Engulf with perseverance.
Engaging the heart -
With remembrance:
Flowing -
With charitable abundance.
Emanating -
Tender mercies coherence:
A kneeling Savior's touch -
Purifying assurance.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Poem: Sacrificial Heart

Sacrificial heart -
Cut, bruised, and bleeding.
Given to a man-
To which it has no meaning.
So eager to be loved -
An allusive “happy ending”.
Dreams lie shattered -
Thorny edges piercing.
In the vacancy of love -
Left questioning.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Poem: Too many questions

Too many questions -
Crippled by ambiguity.
Trepidacious footsteps –
Into foreboding dark.
Knowing not -
What lies ahead.
Relishing the moment -
For what it is.
Not preoccupied -
What will emerge.
Luminous and vivid hope.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Photo Collage: Dusk - January 5th, 2012

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Photo Collage: Dawn - January 13th - 17th, 2012

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Poem: Little hands

Little hands -
What can they do?
A great deal -
It would appear.
Wipe away the tears -
Of those:
Melancholy and bruised.
Gently touch -
A child’s face,
once cloudy and forlorn-
Now beaming ear to ear.
Because of his love -
so willing to share.
A manifestation and outpouring -
Of a pure heart.
The result,
Of submissively uniting -
In humble prayer.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Poem: Familiar words - Archive

Familiar words -
“Come unto me”.
I cradle you in my arms;
Precious child -
Of a loving Heavenly Father,
know that you are cherished.
Together we have lots to learn,
And I have much to teach you.
Most important of all:
The Savior is near.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Poem and Photo: Fury and calm

Fury and calm.
Barren branches;
Springtime bloom.
Thunder and lightening -
The warmth:
Of a summer sun.
Placid and Austere:
Like a backwoods lake
during a painted dawn.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Poem: Astonishing happenstance

Astonishing happenstance -
Anonymous yet familiar;
Unexpected yet anticipated.
One person -
Shaping our lives;
Changing us forever;
Helping us -
To see with new eyes.
The soul enriched;
By example and virtue.
The heart overflowing;
With gratitude and appreciation.
For this chance encounter
has blossomed,
into a infinite companionship;
Loving and intimate. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Poem and Drawing: Blubberman - January 11th, 2012

eats as much as he can -
Out of a washboard tub,
with a pitchfork.
get as fat as you can -
Until your eyes bulge out,
of your head.
get as fat as you can -
Until your feet swell up,
into Christmas hams.
get as fat as you can -
Until your fingers expand,
into plumpy brats.
Kraut and Mustard, Please!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Poem: Undiscovered, it alludes - Archive

Undiscovered, it alludes:
A smile,
both confident and unsure.
A jagged edge:
The castle wall of a kingdom,
whose treasure,
intrinsic and vulnerable lie.
He embarks on the journey,
who knows of its value.
Embraced and engulfed,
by the light and majesty therein,
unleashing what was once hidden.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Poem: Like a candle - Archive

Like a candle:
May your life always burn brightly.
A beacon of hope:
To those who surround you.
A light unto the world;
A witness of Christ;
A shining example:
Of Faith, Courage, and Love.
Illuminating the beauty
found in each waking day.