Monday, January 30, 2012

Poem: Wimper Willow

Wimper Willow
hugs her pillow;
Settling in for a cry,
and a world weary sigh.

No one can console,
as she loses control;
Tears flood her room,
then a bellowing gloom.

Misty eyes,
sick of lies,
so often told,
desiring to scold.

Behind closed doors,
her heart soars;
In an world of her own -
The peace of being alone.

But soon she discovers,
hiding under the covers,
has a fleeting allure,
leaving her feeling unsure.

Trapped in solitude,
an isolated attitude;
Assumed reclusive glory -
A silent purgatory.

Clouds part -
A new start.
Friends swoon;
Forgiveness rune.

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