Sunday, July 22, 2012

Poem: Aurora 12: An inextinguishable flame

What might have been,
no one will ever know.
The immediate,
and raw response,
to the surreal 
of a deranged mind,
is sadness
and anger.
The soul 
cathartically screams,
through tears
and devastation -
Darkness cannot win;
Hope must prevail!
An inextinguishable flame,
of courage
and strength found,
in the faces,
and abundant lives
of victims -
Turned Heroes
and Martyrs,
the resilient legacy
of this tragedy.
forever more,
for who they were -
And the lives
they touched.
All rejoicing,
in memories
and memorials,
of days spent,
in laughter
and fellowship -
of inspiration,
to act in kind.
Reaching out
to those around us -
In love,
in service,
and civility.

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