Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Poem: Brother Personality

Brother Personality;
Everyone's friend.
One of
"The Good 'Ole Boys".
Tearful testimony;
Blasphemous handshake.
A perfect marriage -
Best friends;
Eternal partners.
"Not tonight dear."
"I dare you,
to say that again."
He threw her down
on the bed.
She wrestled away,
before he could begin.
"I've got you!"
"Don't try and get away!"
His suffocating grip
one of her ribs.
Her body,
riddled with bruises.
A cracking facade -
Snake oil defense.
"She's hysterical."
"You know
how women are."
"Making something
out of nothing."
Winning over
old friends.
bedazzled strangers.
Embracing and tears -
with a slap
on the hand.
A smirk 
and a twinkle.

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