Sunday, March 18, 2012

Poem: "It's better than nothing."

"It's better than nothing."
That's what she told her Mother
when he proposed.
The hair on top of his head
has been placed on the list
of endangered species.
But as luck has it,
there's a German forest
growing on his back
- And  in his ears.
He has "Donelop" disease
and Clark Gable's ears.
He has:
A furry caterpillar eyebrow
and mismatched eyes.
In his tattered pajamas,
He sells:
Day old donuts and muffins
door to door.
He lives:
In a Kenmore refrigerator box -
With a dryer box addition.
He brings me:
Stink weed instead of roses
and three year old
Convenience store chocolates.
On our first date:
We dined on samples,
at the local Wal-Mart,
followed by,
a "romantic" light stick lit,
slobbery kiss -
In a swamp.
"Sounds lovely dear,"
Her Mother cheerfully replied.
"He's such a nice boy."

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