Saturday, March 24, 2012

Poem: Where is courage found?

Where is courage found?
Is it found in:
The first wobbly steps,
of an unsure,
yet resolute
Is it found in:
The cheerful and enduring,
terminally diagnosed
face of service?
Is it found in:
The financially struggling family
willing to pay
"The Widow's Mite"?
To give,
friend or stranger,
"the shirt of their back"?
All the while,
with a spirit
of remembrance and gratitude.
Is it found in:
The volunteer soldier,
ever vigilant,
in the defense
of family and country?
Is it found in:
The Bravest and the Finest,
who enter
a collapsing tower,
to save -
Just one more?
Is it found in:
The condescension,
of a sacrificing son,
willing to drink
the bitter cup?
To silently face,
scourge and scorn,
and suffer -
Upon a cross.
That all may live
and receive:
The healing salve,
of the balm of Gilead.
Is it found in:
The Worth of a Soul -
A Child of God:
Once stumbling,
now standing,
"steadfast and immovable",
with a
"perfect brightness of hope"?

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