Monday, March 5, 2012

Poem: Goodtime Johnny

Goodtime Johnny-
Garishly adorned.
Silk shirts;
Tailored suits.
The emperors robes -
of the worldly priesthood,
of the doctrine of man.
Some say he's smart,
and rather inventive.
Truth be known,
he is brazen and subtle.
A slick parasite,
who stays out all night,
taking up
with good time girls.
A regular 
at the girly shows -
Glazed eyes;
unkempt appearance -
he reeks of liquor.
A monetary hijacker;
A silver tongue -
Words of milk and honey.
Late night whispers;
No tell motel.
A tale 
of torrid romance.
Fedora prince 
and hourglass princess.
Madly in love -
With themselves.
Seduced by
intoxicated glamour.
Flawless beauty,
without blemish.
Empty souls;
Surface reflections.
Trapped and frozen
in the mirror of vanity.
Time too precious,
to suffer,
such hapless fools.

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