Thursday, March 29, 2012

Poem: Ghosts and lepers

Field workers:
Bent over,
in tattered
Winter clothes.
Weeding onions,
in the scorching
August sun -
Ghosts and lepers.
Kitchen help -
During the evening rush:
Washing dishes;
sweltering steam ovens;
Busing tables -
Stares of disdain.
Ghosts and  lepers .
Late night
office cleaning crew:
Scrubbing toilets;
Mopping floors -
Ghosts and  lepers .
The day is done;
Sweat and grime.
To a loving family -
Laughter and togetherness.
Bonding hugs
and sealing kisses.
A temple -
Filled with 
love and unity.
Made of
a wartime bungalow.
Constructed of
scraps, leftovers
and discarded materials -
A beacon
and refuge.

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