Sunday, June 17, 2012

Poem: Family Vacations - Southern Utah II

Family Vacations -
Southern Utah:
Arches -
Menacing charcoal
an ominous
extracting sharpness
and clarity.
A lightening show
commences -
Frenetic flashes, 
of nature's
illuminating wonder.
The angry
and volatile horizon -
with unharnessed
and quickened energy 
and electricity,
the diverse shades 
of orange and red,
found in the Entrada
and Navajo Sandstone;
Defining incandescence,
exposing the naked 
and vulnerable
sublime features,
of the arches,
fins and towers
of Delicate,
The Organ,
The Fiery Furnace
and Tower of Babel.
Canyonlands -
The sculpting 
canyon artistry 
of the Colorado
and Green Rivers.
Pulsing muscle current
confluence eventuality.
The boundlessness
of a pastel blue
celestial sphere.
A winding road,
riding amidst
a Martian landscape,
gazing upon
and austere 
mesas and buttes:
Island in the Sky,
Cataract and Horseshoe
White Rim
and Mesa Arches;
Cedar Mesa 
and Windgate Sandstone.
Limestone accents
and features.
On foot,
to discover
hidden treasures
of veiled grace -
desert blooms.
The birth child
of the strained tears
of parched clouds
and hardened
and stony earth.

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