Sunday, April 1, 2012

Poem: Sacrament

Sabbath day,
holy day.
As we come before
the body of Christ,
with reverence and reflection,
to renew our covenants
with thee:
Forgive us,
as we forgive,
our brothers and sisters,
their trespasses.
And with penitent hearts,
our lamps filled,
with the pure love of our Savior,
remember them no more.
judgment, reconciliation 
and renewal.
Progression found
in enduring well:
The process of 
sanctification, justification
and purification.
with the water of life -
The witness
of personal revelation.
Washed clean,
in the blood,
of an Infinite Atonement;
Our nakedness -
Made whole;
Set ablaze
with the refining light
of the Holy Spirit.

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